Thursday, October 27, 2011

catching up...

I guess it has been awhile since I blogged...oops. LIFE, does happen. Time does fly regardless if you are having fun or not. April was the last time I blogged.

I will give you some quick highlights:

  • Anna turned "11"
  • both kids tried baseball and liked it
  • celebrated Karl's parents 50th wedding anniversary
  • Christl & Barbie flew in for fun family reunion
  • annual Illinois Homeschool Conference
  • BBQs with friends and family
  • 3 Day Practicum for Classical Conversations
  • Anna went on her 1st week long summer camp through church
  • iron infusions for me
  • swimming lessons for the kids
  • gatherings with family & friends
  • dearest friends from Africa came home for a visit
  • I went to Philadelphia for a work conference
  • lots of catching up with the Nickels'
  • my dad turned "70"
  • Anna earned her 1st degree black belt!!!
  • HOSS has several concerts
  • more time with my dear friend, Sara
  • mom has a birthday
  • Brandon turns "16" out
  • more family and friend time
  • we left for an awesome 12 day vacation to Minnesota & Spooner, Wisconsin!!!!
  • lots of family time out of state
  • Eric turned "2"
  • TEC (Tri-Cities Enrichment Co-op) begins on Tuesdays
  • Karl finally was able to get away and do some hunting
  • lots of female issues and hopefully I am done!
  • beautiful wedding of two dear friends
  • bible study on Friday nights
  • more family time
  • Anna gets to go on another camp called Fall Camp for the weekend
  • I get to do an overnight women's retreat
  • knit night with Despy and skyping with Allison

Now, we are officially caught up. I know, I need to put pictures up. I will do that next. Especially, my knitting. I have been knitting again!!

We need to update more often. More for me than for you (giggle). Are you out there??? Do you read this??