Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wanna be Homesteaders....HA

Family and friends...WELCOME.

The family and I wanted a way to share what we have been doing, learning, with you all in one spot. So welcome to our blogspot (my first ever so, bare with me). I'd love to write letters, email, call each and everyone one of you but as you know 'LIFE' takes over. I hope this site will give you an insight into our lives as we share our love of nature, homesteading (trying), homeschooling, our love of Christ and so much more!

We truly have been blessed and busy and I can't wait to tell you all about it!! So come back once, twice, often and see what we have been up to these days.

Love you and miss you all...especially family that live out of state!

Baskets of blessings,


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