Thursday, May 8, 2008


After one year of lessons look at how far both the kids have gone!! Watch our 2 little fishes go.

Joshua is on Level 3, Kicking. He is really close to moving up! He needs to swim on his front and back (kicking) for 15 feet without taking a breath! Which he can totally do. In 3 weeks for the next session the instructors have him signed up for Level 4, Crawl Stroke!!!!! I can't imagine him in the BIG pool with Anna. In Level 4 he will learn the side glide kick for 20 feet and crawl stroke for 20 feet (and no breathing breaks!) Can a 4 year old do that???

Anna just moved up to Level 5, Freestyle!! She will be learning the crawl stroke with breathing with a minimum of 4 breaths. WOW! This is amazing for Anna because she didn't like to get her face wet let alone put her head underwater! Anna has grown so much in the water. I bet if you ask her if she ever was afraid of the water she would look at you crazy. Just watch her go:

I am extremely proud of both of our kids. They always try and do their best at any activity that they are involved in!! And it shows! Now, I guess its my turn. Since, I don't know how to swim I better start thinking about lessons...hmmmm. I have been contemplating this for years and I'll let you know when I start my lessons. AND no, I won't document them!

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