Monday, October 27, 2008

October is almost over...

Trail of History in Ringwood, IL

This was a lot of fun. I heard of this event before but now we have experienced it. We traveled back to around 1830's. They had tippees, covered wagons; all walks of life. They even had homemade root beer that was put into bottles and corked.

This cabin is a replica, 5 people would live inside with a loft that you crawled into and slept. Talk about tight quarters!

Joshua and Chase made cornhusk dolls with swords!

Anna is learning how to table loom (I think that is what it was called).

Bonfire and fun!
I had the neighbor girls come over for some smor's.
Pizza and a movie.

John boy turns 40!

Barbie flew in for the occasion, cousin Annie, me and who's that??
Oh, that's my husband.

The birthday boy, John and his lovely lady, Carie.

My friends Dar and Anndrea.

This is my class, the Journey Ladies (aka slumber party).

These are my girls showing off their artwork that we have done in class. These girls are truly a great bunch! We learn from each other every Tuesday morning from 9 am til noon. We have 3 hours to cover: history, science, math, art, latin, geography, presentations, timeline cards, grammar and I think that is all it. Phew!! That is a lot and they retain it!! They amaze me. I am glad that I gave CC an opportunity to learn with other home schoolers like us.

Here is Anna in her class doing a presentation on Idaho and talking about Tante Christl!!

Phew, I am done, tired and talk to you all later.

God Bless and have sweet dreams...

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